Working With Descriptive Statistics
Working With Descriptive Statistics
Format MLA
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Type of service: Custom writing
Assignment type : Research Paper
SPSS Output
Open SPSS and obtain an output (as in the tutorial videos) with the following results highlighted:
Determine the statistics for each gender as follows: Frequency Counts, Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, and Maximum.
Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS: Create a bar graph with gender (axis X) and blood sugar (axis Y).
Data Set
Use the following data set for this assignment:
You have a group of patients observed with a diagnosis of Diabetes and their blood sugar levels are listed below based on gender. Men: 74, 71, 75, 248, 388, 505, 42, 21.
Female: 62, 68, 61, 71, 68, 80, 390, 148.
Write a 250-500 word summary of your results and how this statistical analysis may be applied to your prospectus. Provide a bar graph with gender on the x-axis and blood sugar levels on the y-axis. Add your SPSS output as an Appendix to this summary