·       Four (4) peer-reviewed organizational development articles.

·       Use the required Article Review Template. Any other submissions will not receive credit.

·       The originality report for each article must not exceed 10%.

Page 1 – Cover Page

Pages 2 – Article Summary (One (1) FULL page, minimum, 1-inch margins, double spaced, 12 pt. font)

·       Summarize the key points of the article.

·       Use direct quotes or paraphrase the author in each paragraph.

Pages 3&4  – Personal Review (Two (2) FULL pages, minimum, 1-inch margins, double spaced, 12 pt. font)

·       Detail a personal review of the article and how it applies and impacts your field and profession.

·       Utilize quotes and directly connect content to your industry.

Page 5 – Reference Page (APA format)

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