Poetry Questions

Please answer all the questions below in full, grammatically sound sentence. Offer specific examples where applicable.

1.   Explain closed form poetry. Give a specific example of a closed form poem. (5 points)

2.   Define an Italian sonnet. (5 points)

3.   Define an English sonnet. (5 points)

4.   Explain open form poetry. Offer an example of an open form poem. (5 points)

5.   What is the rhyme scheme of Sherman Alexie’s “The Facebook Sonnet” (495). (10 points)

6.   What is Alexie saying about our preoccupation with this internet domain? Use a quote or two to support your points. (5 points)

7.  Define the term paradox and offer an example. (5 points)

8.   Write a brief (around three hundred words) analysis of Marge Piercy’s poem “Barbie Doll.” Be sure to tie the literary elements to the theme.  (30 points)

9.  Write a brief (around three hundred words) analysis of Sherman Alexie’s poem “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” Be sure to tie the literary elements to the theme.  (30 points)

One of the major literary elements in poetry is the specific words an author chooses to use to create the imagery and ultimately the theme. Choose one of the poems from this week’s reading and explain how the author’s use of specific words works to create certain images. How does that diction work to create the theme?

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