Mobility and border less care

Mobility and border less care

Format MLA

Volume of 12 pages (3300 words)

Discipline Sociology

Assignment type : Coursework

I The cover page:

The title of the essay – social scientific essays can have two titles (empirical and conceptual), e.g.: ”Men and women at universities: The gender structure of higher education”. The title(s) must be as clear and informative as possible.

1. Introduction
Tell here what you are examining (the research task on a general level),why it is important or interesting,
2. Thematic chapters

This is the core, here you present the ideas you have formed about the topic based on the chosen material.

3. Conclusions and discussion

Here you summarize your main “findings” and can also more freely to ponder consequences, raise new questions etc. if your scrutiny leads to these.

4. List of references

5. Appendixes

If there are any.

Some instructions and regulations concerning social scientific writing

 You need ”sociological imagination” in order to find interesting themes to examine. You also have to understand the importance of argumentative writing  a rich use of different source material is thus needed.
 …because social scientific writing = taking part in social scientific discussion, it is a speech in it (and you cannot participate in discussion without knowing it).
 Forbidden expressions in a scientific text: According to my opinion… / We all know that…/ It is clear (obvious) that… / Naturally…/ It is self-evident that… / From my perspective… / At the streets we see how… / My mother taught me that… / etc…
 Forbidden are also polemic expressions like: Children need limits and love / What the world needs now is a strong leader / etc…
 …and strong adjectives like: It is extremely important that the super lazy young men of today go to the real Finnish army, to the real school for real men.

  A social scientist always looks at social phenomena and his/her source material from ”outside”, from a distance, and does not present them as absolute truths.

How to mark the references?

The source references in middle of the text: if you refer to a whole book then: Allardt (1982), and if to some certain pages (Allardt 1982, 17-20). If you refer just to one sentence, the dot is at the end of the sentence: Sociology is a general social science. (Allardt 1982, 17-20). If you refer to more sentences than one, the model is: Sociology is a general social science. It has a long history. (Allardt 1982, 17-20.)

If you refer to a newspaper article, use it by mentioning the name of the paper and the date of the publication, (Helsingin Sanomat 22.11.2013). A short news can be mentioned in the reference list without the name of the journalist (1), but a longer article can be referred to with the name of the author (2).

1) Helsingin Sanomat 22.11.2013. ”John F. Kennedyn kuolema puhuttaa Dallasissa 50 vuoden jälkeenkin”. http://…. (22.11.2013).
Secondary level reference: first mention the original source and after that the text you have read: (Cantwell 2003, 162, cit. Högbacka 2009, 162). The original source is not listed in the reference list but its information is presented in a food note or in an end note.

REMEMBER TO ADD PAGENUMBERS TO REFERENCES WHENEVER IT IS POSSIBLE!! Otherwise it is impossible to check the original source.

A model for a reference list

Alasuutari, Pertti & Ruuska, Petri (1999) Post-patria? Globalisation in Finland. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Alkula, Tapani, Pöntinen, Seppo & Ylöstalo, Pekka (1994) Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences. Helsinki: WSOY.
Herranen, Jatta & Harinen, Päivi (2008) Kohti hyvää aikuisuutta. ”Omilleen asettumisen” kulttuurinen kuva. Aikuiskasvatus 1/2008, Vol. 28, 4–14.
Honkasalo, Veronika & Harinen, Päivi & Anttila, Reetta (2007) Yhdessä vai yksin erilaisina? Monikulttuuristen nuorten arkea, ajatuksia ja ajankäyttöä. (20.2.2010.)

General lay out:
Font: Times New Roman, or Garamond, or Arial 12 pt (data quotations can be distinguished with a font 11 pt and with an indentation).
Spaces: 1,5 (data quotations can be distinguished with the space 1).
Margins: left 3, right 2,5, top 2,5, bottom 2,5.
Each main chapter begins on a new page.
Page numbering begins from the first Introduction space and ends till the end of the reference list (appendixes are not page numbered).
Title numbering: Main chapters (1,2,3…), sub-chapters (1.1., 1.2., 1.3…), sub-sub-chapters (1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3…).
Titles are distinguished from the text following them with one space line (except the possible sub-sub-chapters).
Essay pages in total (cover page and appendixes not included)

• Choose the books that you find most interesting to you, and formulate your essay topic based on some of the themes and/or concepts presented in these books.

• The topic of the essay can be a quite detailed, case-study style (“the situation of care in a specific region/country/context” or “gender equality in the context of eldercare in a specific country”) or it can be a broader topic (“women as paid/unpaid carers in the global context”).

• Apart from these one to three books, you may choose any number of other literature references that you come across and find relevant for your essay topic. The number of literature references in the final essay should be approx. 10 or more. The one to three books you choose from the book exam syllabus will not be sufficient as such, but you’ll need to find more references on the topic you choose from the library and the internet.

• Your essay should be approx. 12-15 pages long (cover page and appendixes not included). Also, pay attention to instructions given on how to mark references in the text and how to make a list of references at the end of your essay.


Learning outcomes:
The student familiarizes her/himself with the concept and practices of care and its role in global mobilities, movements and border-crossings.

Global care chains and leaks, logic of care vs. logic of profit, various regimes of welfare and respective arrangements of care, precarity and care, the new domains of and types of reasoning in care, care entrepreneurship.

Descriptions of the topic

• The topic should fall into the scope of the study unit above: care, care work and workers, care services, global movement of care workers, etc.

-I suggest to focus on the theme of the study unit and write for example on discrimination in relation to arrangements of care and care labour force in a specific cultural context.

OR , discrimination among citizens in a specific cultural context regarding care and care work.

-The reader needs to know the context in which you address (in relation to care work and/or care workers and/or global movement of care labour force).

• The essay should tell on which cultural/societal perspective is ,e.g American? Finnish? European? Pakistani? Any of these would be O.K.

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