Major Prophet Interview

Major Prophet Interview

Format APA

Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)

Assignment type : Speech / Presentation

This brief assignment (no more than 3 pages) is intended to be a creative way for you to interact with the prophetic “voices” of the Old Testament. Written as a transcription of a personal interview, select one of the four major prophets and “ask” the following groups of interview questions. Record the prophet’s “answers” in first person in order to immerse yourself in their life and experience. Make sure the prophet’s responses include specific verses or passages from his prophetic book. Be prepared to present the interview within threaded discussions. (Note: you will have the opportunity to sign up for a particular prophet in advance.)

When and where (to whom) did the prophet deliver his ‘message’? How did these differ once his message appeared in literary form?
Assuming the prophet had recently been to a public address by the king (or one of the kings) in power at the time, what would he report that the king said about the ‘state of the union’ and/or the ‘state of religion’ in his kingdom? Did the prophet agree with the king’s assessments or instead confront and expose them as false?
Assuming the prophet had recently interacted with a small group of Israelite or Judahite hearers of his message, what might he say was one of his main points and why? Include specific scripture references.
Assuming the prophet had recently interacted with a small group of modern day readers of his message, what might he say was one of his main points that applied to this modern day audience and why? Include specific scripture references.
Assuming the prophet had just visited a meeting or service at your church or place of worship, what was one of his reactions? Elaborate on why he had that reaction and what scripture verses might illustrate/explain the why or what of his reaction.

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