Where are you going into social work?
Where are you going into social work?
Description Details
Discipline Social Work
Assignment type : Essay
In which areas of helping are you specifically interested (for example, adoptions, mental health, work with the older adults, alcohol and other drug abuse)? List all that you can think of. If you aren’t sure or don’t know yet, say so. That’s OK.
What were your reasons for going into social work?
What strengths do you feel you bring to the field?
What challenges do you feel you have that might affect your work in the field?
Additional Requirements for the Paper
Papers should include a title, the student’s name, and page numbers
Papers do not need to conform to APA 6th edition standards
Question responses should be written in paragraph format
Papers should use appropriate grammar and be free from structural errors, spelling mistakes, and other general writing errors.
Format APA
Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor
Volume of 1 page (275 words)
Type of service: Editing