The future of journalism and how it will influence society (open to negotiation)

The future of journalism and how it will influence society (open to negotiation)

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Discipline Journalism

Assignment type : Dissertation 


to show how citizen jounalism in social media has chnaged the way people consume media. For instance, during man-made disasters or natural distasters, people turn to social media to get latest updates from people who are on-site, as opposed to waiting for the mainstream news channels to collect and organize information before releasing them to the public. Sometimes, even news channels use footage or information provided on social media in their press releases or on TV. I have attached some of my work as a guide on my writing style. word count is inclusive of content page, headings and in text citations. i may also require some work-in-progress drafts.


– literature review followed by 2 case studies with application of media theories

– references to include a variety of platforms an not just online (i.e. books and journals)

– harvard style referencing

Format MLA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 34 pages (9350 words)

Type of service: Custom writing

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