Financial regulation, law and compliance

Financial regulation, law and compliance

Description  Details

Discipline Finance

Assignment type : Essay


AF3S105 – Financial regulation, law and compliance

According to Andrew Tyrie, Chairman of the Treasury Committee, “regaining public trust and confidence in banks is still years away … and a lack of confidence in banks is hurting the recovery”.

Available at: (Accessed: 1 January 2015)

Consumer trust and confidence in the UK financial services industry is at a very low ebb:

  1. Discuss the factors that have reduced consumer trust in the UK financial services industry with specific reference to cases and examples.
  2. Critically evaluate the measures that have been implemented to restore consumer trust in the UK financial services

Marking criteria

  1. Context, background and introduction Maximum 10%
  2. Factors involved in reduced consumer trust Maximum 30%
  3. Evaluation of implementation measures Maximum 50%

Essay structure, including spelling, grammar and correct use of Harvard Referencing Maximum 10%

The essay should be 3000 words (+ or – 10% – absolute max. 3,300). Please indicate the word count at the end of your assignment. You should use size 12 sans serif font and 1.5 line spacing. Please include a full list of all references used. The use of the Harvard referencing system is required.

Format MLA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 11 pages (3025 words)

Type of service: Custom writing





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