Code of Ethics for the Field of Community Corrections
I will render professional service to the justice system and the community at large in effecting the social adjustment of the offender.
I will uphold the law with dignity, displaying an awareness of my responsibility to offenders while recognizing the right of the public to be safeguarded from criminal activity.
I will strive to be objective in the performance of my duties, recognizing the inalienable right of all persons, appreciating the inherent worth of the individual, and respecting those confidences which can be reposed in me.
I will conduct my personal life with decorum, neither accepting nor granting favors in connection with my office.
I will cooperate with my co-workers and related agencies and will continually strive to improve my professional competence through the seeking and sharing of knowledge and understanding.
I will distinguish clearly, in public, between my statements and actions as an individual and as a representative of my profession.
I will encourage policy, procedures and personnel practices, which will enable others to conduct themselves in accordance with the values, goals and objectives of the American Probation and Parole Association.
I recognize my office as a symbol of public faith and I accept it as a public trust to be held as long as I am true to the ethics of the American Probation and Parole Association.
I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself to my chosen profession.

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