Essay – Violence in the West
Essay – Violence in the West
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Assignment type : Essay
Essay – Violence in the West
Pick one of the following questions and write an essay of 1,200-1,300 words on the subject, with a well-crafted thesis defended with evidence and analysis in the body.
1) What was the relationship among the mine owners, union, and the Colorado state government? How does this compare to that among the cattle owners, settlers, and state officials in Wyoming? Consider also the role of the federal government in these two conflicts.
2) How well do the Johnson Country War and the Colorado coal strike fit Richard Maxwell Brown’s model of the “western civil wars of incorporation [see page eight for definition]”? Which side, if any, won each of these wars and why?
3) Examine gender roles and women in the two conflicts. Compare and contrast the involvement of women in the conflicts and how notions of gender roles influenced their actions and treatment.
Important note on use of evidence: This essay needs to come primarily from the primary source material (the documents) in the book. This means your paper should avoid the use of material from the Preface and the Introduction, as well as the background and introductions to the sources in the book. Use the documents themselves to support your thesis and arguments. Page numbers required from book in paper.
Presentation Requirements:
Line Spacing: double
Margins: one inch (2.5 cm) on all sides
Paragraphs: indent the first line by 0.5 in (1.25 cm)
Title Page: include the title of your essay, your name, and the course.
Pagination: number all pages, except for the title page. The title page is not page 1.
Font: 12 point, black ink, Times New Roman.
Documentation: Use parenthetical citations of the page numbers and no outside sources, including the internet.
Style: Refer to the Writing Tips on Blackboard. No rhetorical questions (write declaratively); avoid passive voice, and write in the third person only.
Quoting: Avoid excessively long quotes. Paraphrasing is preferred. No block quoting.
Word Count: put at either the end of the paper or on the title page.
Plagiarism: Not tolerated, including not citing sources properly or sloppy citations, and paraphrasing authors and not citing their ideas. Plagiarizing will result in failure – of the entire course, not just the paper.
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 1100 – 1200 pages (5 pages)
Type of service: Custom writing

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