Employer Brands

Review corporate career websites to determine what is effective employer branding. Then write a 3-4 page memo to recommend strategies to be implemented for branding by CapraTek.

In today’s markets, a brand that stands for something and stands out from the crowd goes a long way to sell products as well as attract high quality employees. The HR team can contribute to the brand by helping the marketers tell the story of the unknown service ethic of the company or how they inspire their diverse employees. The brand of the company is a part of the employee experience from attraction to departure.

While the brand attracts, it also reinforces connection and commitment between employee and organization. It is also representative of the organization’s culture. When employees tell others about their company, the culture and brand are wrapped into one story. Every time an employee shares information about the organization, it is a story about challenges, successes, and failures. These stories give listeners a feel for the company’s character—is this a company that is resilient, persistent, competent, caring? How the story is told matters. The individual reflection can yield pride or resentment. Once in the organization, the candidate will either embrace the culture or not. One of the elements that influence this is the employee’s personal alignment to the mission of the organization. If what attracted the applicant to the company transitions to a sense of belonging and common purpose, that employee will be proud to work for their organization. When employees are proud of their company’s work, there is a foundation or engagement that is supported by culture.


Alley, an HR pro at CapraTek, laughed upon realizing that Molly didn’t know about CapraTek’s many charitable works. “CapraTek has many divisions! I know you work in public affairs, and maybe what the company does in IT research may not seem to be the kind of contribution to society you were hoping to make. However, one of CapraTek’s divisions is committed to the development of orphan medications. Do you know what those are?”

“No,” Molly replied slowly. “Not really. Honestly, Alley, I don’t think there is much information on the pharmaceutical part of the company in the public domain.”

“Well, there are diseases called ‘orphan diseases.’ They’re called that because they either affect 200,000 or fewer people worldwide, or the disease is common but ignored because it is far more prevalent in the developing world. It isn’t profitable to create medications to treat or cure these diseases because so few people have them, or because the people who have common diseases like malaria and tuberculosis are poor. I’m not sure if you know this, but it can cost upwards of two billion dollars to develop a single drug, and some of those don’t make it through FDA trials. CapraTek, though, researches treatments for orphan diseases, and we forgo profits. This is something the company does to improve society through better health. We work along with two other companies, sharing the burden of finding cures and treatments, and I think it’s pretty wonderful.”

“Alley, I had no idea,” Molly said. “Robert, what about you?”

“Nope, not a clue,” replied Robert. “Molly, if people in CapraTek’s public affairs office don’t know about this, then I guess nobody does. Maybe your job is a little more important than you thought! As a public affairs and HR pro, what do you recommend we do to get this aspect of who we are and what we do into the media?”

Your Challenge

As a member of the CapraTek HR team, you have been tasked to write a 3–4 page internal memo about employer branding and how it can benefit organizations like CapraTek. You will submit the internal memo to the company leadership team in order to recommend the changes that you would like to make to the CapraTek career website.

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