Does Detective Comics: Batman series wrongly misrepresent the mentally ill?

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 Does Detective Comics: Batman series wrongly misrepresent the mentally ill?


1. Why does DC comics still choice to call a mental faculty an Asylum? 2. Are the criminals in Gotham city truly criminally insane? 3. Do the criminals in Arkham match the symptoms of those who truly suffer from an illness? 4. Do the criminals in Arkham fall in line of criminally insane or that of a basic criminal in the eyes of law? 5. Why does the comics treat the mentally ill as crimes and not patience? For my research paper I plan on reviewing the book Batman and Psychology. I will review psychological articles on the aspects of the mentally ill. I will review the laws and cases that reflect on the idea of mentally ill in crimes. Paragraph 1 with Thesis Statement: If future historians looked back into the fiasco that made up the American Twenty-first century culture and asked themselves what was our mythology based on, the answer would be Comics books. Comics serves as Modern day mythology in American culture; humans with god like powers acting as saviors to mankind dropping down from the sky and showing mankind its full potential as human beings sharing one plane of existence. Comics serve as an over dramatized reflection of the modern world, full of colorful pages and black and white situations of good beats evil. However, do they reflect it accurately? In the pages of Detective Comics one of their more famous creations, Batman, is seen to be the best example of mankind meeting their full potential. A man with no godlike abilities protecting the people of Gotham City from the evil that rains over it. Yet, is this true: are the criminals truly insane, asylum correct over mental health, do the symptoms match that of mental disorders, would american law see the villains as insane, and does comes desegregate against the mentally ill as criminals? As the evidence stands DC comic’s Batman is wrongfully misrepresenting the mentally ill. Title Page, APA style Abstract (optional) Introduction containing a clear thesis statement Content: argument and its supporting evidence from a variety of resources. All resources and in-text citations should be in APA format Conclusion References page – APA format The draft should be a least 4 to 5 pages in length. These pages do not include the Reference page or visual components. Use Research journals and articles to support the argument

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