Culture safety

Culture safety

Format AMA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 2 pages (500 words)

Assignment type : Other types


Assessment type : Theory Assessment

1. Identify a piece of legislation in the context of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in your State/Territory. Describe the key objectives/objects outlined in the identified Act in relation to Aboriginal cultural safety.

2. Describe in your own words, the following concepts of diversity of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures (in 30-50 words each).
2.1 System of Kinship:
2.2 Dreaming:
2.3 Aboriginal languages:
2.4 Importance of law (traditional law):

3. Briefly describe the impact of European settlement on the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and communities in relation to loss of land and culture (in 60-80 words).

4. Briefly describe the impact of racism and discrimination on Aboriginal Australians (in 50-70 words).

5. Provide 1 (one) example each of how power relationships and power gradients have been manifest in recent and in early colonial times.

6. Identify and describe 3 (three) factors that disproportionally affects Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in terms of health.

7. Briefly describe the impact of trauma on a person’s ability for the following:
7.1 Decision making:
7.2 Communicating:
7.3 Understanding:
7.4 Retaining information:

8. Identify and describe 3 (three) ways to involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in the planning and delivery of services and programs.

9. Many aged Aboriginal people have a major role in raising their grandchildren and great grandchildren. Briefly describe how this cultural factor may impact on the service delivery to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients in an aged care context (in 40-60 words).

10. Identify 2 (two) critical issues that may influence building therapeutic relationship with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander client.

11. Identify 2 (two) critical issues that may influence communication with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

12. Describe 2 (two) strategies you could implement to overcome the consent issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients (in 40-60 words).

13. Provide 3 (three) examples of strategies you could implement in your nursing practice in order to support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities.

14. Identify 3 (three) resources you could utilise to promote partnerships in promoting Aboriginal cultural safety.

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