Critical Thinking and Competencies
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0 | Undergraduate | Writing from scratch | Essay | Not needed | 2 |
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Critical Thinking and Competencies
Much of nursing education has transformed its teaching to focus on the competencies designed to improve quality and safety across the health care system. These competencies relate the following: Patient-centered care Teamwork and collaboration Evidence-based practice Quality improvement Safety Information For each of these competencies, discuss how critical thinking abilities advance each of these competencies in your clinical practice. **references less than 5 years –Expertise in Nursing Practice: Caring, Clinical Judgment, and Ethics by Benner, Tanner, Chesla e-Book – VitalSource Springer 2 9780826125453 –Critical Thinking TACTICS for Nurses by Rubenfeld e-Book – VitalSource Jones & Bartlett 3 9781284059571 Rubenfeld and Scheffer, Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 11