Coolidge value that you find most important

Coolidge value that you find most important

Description  Details

Discipline Computer Science

Assignment type : Admission / Scholarship Essay 


Read the “Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge.” Based on your analysis of this book and other research, identify the Coolidge value that you find most important. Explain your choice using evidence from Calvin Coolidge’s career in public service and comment upon the relevance of that value today. Essay not to exceed 800 words.

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11th grade student writing essay for college scholarship. Interest of study at college-Computer Science. Computer gamer(started at 3 years), lazy, procrastinates, attend STEM school in 9th grade, grades suffered went from A average to B. Moved beginning of 10th grade back in public school, working on bring grade back to A average. Played football and basketball from 6 years to 14 years old. Football out of 8 years won championship 6 years. In 3 clubs- Mentor (freshmen entering high school), Robotics, FBLA

Format MLA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 550 – 800 pages (3 pages)

Type of service: Custom writing

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