comparison between Florida’s legislative framework and another state of the student’s choosing.
comparison between Florida’s legislative framework and another state of the student’s choosing.
Description Details
Discipline Other
Assignment type : Research Paper
To comply with Gordon Rule guidelines, this course has a writing assignment. The ten (excluding works cited) page paper (double spacing) will offer a comparison between Florida’s legislative framework and another state of the student’s choosing. Possible sections might include, but are not limited to: elections, lawmaker responsibilities, committee structure, lawmaker composition, ethics, fundraising, scandals, partisanship in the process, impact on term limits or lack thereof, successes, failures, budgeting, history, and future changes. The grading of this assignment will be comprised of quality of work (25%), length (25%), MLA format (25%), and evidence of research (25%)
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 10 pages (2750 words)
Type of service: Custom writing

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