Code of ethics and challenges of change for nurses in a clinical setting.
Code of ethics and challenges of change for nurses in a clinical setting.
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 5 pages (1375 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper
Your APA research paper must be type 6-8 pages excluding the title and reference page, double space and 12 fonts. Your reference must include 3-4 research articles from a nursing database such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed, EBSCO or any other nursing research database. A copy of all articles must be turned in with research paper. You may use your current class textbook as a reference as well.
The burden of cardiovascular disease in America remains high and is largely concentrated among the African American population. There has been racial disparity in the incidence of stroke and stroke related mortality expectancy between African Americans and Caucasians for decades. The objectives of this report are to describe risk factors for stroke and types of stroke in African Americans.
The primary sources of data used in this report were pointed out with online sources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and articles from PubMed/Medline.
Hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, smoking, sickle cell anemia, poverty and low education were found to be the most influential factors in creating the ethnic-based disparity in mortality rates of stroke and even the primary incidence of stroke. The traditional predisposing factors for stroke were therefore, more prevalent in the African American population, putting this particular ethnic group in greater danger of cerebrovascular accidents. Explanations for recognized disparities in stroke were found to be multifactorial range from the personal level to the social environment. Ischemic stroke was found to be the most prevalent type of stroke in African Americans.
It is necessary to empower the African American community economically in order to improve the access to healthy food in regions where this particular ethnic group is dominant. Statistics on incidences of stroke desperately indicate a need for intensive health education among African Americans on health promoting behavior to reduce incidences of cerebrovascular incidences.
Some limitations of this study include the use of administrative data such as death certificates and medical records instead of physician adjudication of stroke events. There was also poor follow up on stroke survivors from the African American population in the data contributing to the report.

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