Child abuse

Child abuse

Format APA

Academic Level: Undergraduate/Bachelor

Volume of 6 pages (1650 words)

Assignment type : Research Proposal

For your Signature Assignment in this course, you will prepare a scholarly investigation into an issue in early childhood development that is of interest to you. This may be the issue that you wish to further develop in your capstone project, that you want to get involved with in an internship, or simply a question or issue that you are currently dealing with and that you wish to find out more about. This issue should be one that impacts the lives of families and children. And, you will need to look at this from a development point of view. You are encouraged to choose an issue that is important to the children you deal with in your job, or in your community. Chapter 1 of your text identifies many crucial issues vital to healthy child development and how practices and policies can help or hinder the success of each child to reach full developmental potential. Topic hints: child abuse, developmental impact of socioeconomic disparity, ethnic and cultural differences in development, childhood exposure to traumatic events, single and working parents, and many more!) In the previous weeks of this course, you have already gathered research and ideas from the resources and assignments you have completed.
In your paper, you will address the following questions:
What is the problem? How widespread is it?
How does this problem impact human development from the prenatal period through early childhood?
How does this problem impact the physical, cognitive, language, and socioemotional development from the prenatal period through early childhood?
What factors in the family and larger environment relate to this problem in a positive or negative way?
How can public agencies and schools help prevent or deal with this issue?

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