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TASK 1: At least 450+ words

TASK 1: At least 450+ words


provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:


  1. As a project manager, what are your strengths and opportunities for improvement?


Additional INFO


Assigned Readings:

Chapter 4 – Project Team Members



TASK 2: At least 3 pages: APA format




  1. What do you think most likely happened next?


  1. What could Eddie do next if Gary refused to sign the documents?



  1. Considering the complexities of stakeholder conflicts, what alternative approaches could Eddie explore to address the challenges in prioritizing and scheduling activities within the engineering research laboratory?


  1. In light of the ongoing conflicts and Gary’s reluctance to intervene, what long-term strategies could Eddie implement to foster a culture of collaboration and stakeholder respect within the organizational structure, ensuring smoother project management in the future?



  1. How can Eddie proactively mitigate resistance from department managers and build alliances with key stakeholders to ensure a more cooperative approach in aligning priorities and schedules within the new facility?




  • Addresses each of the 5 components outlined above.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. A minimum of 3 – 5 sources (excluding the course textbook) from scholarly articles or business periodicals is required.
  • Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.






Conflicts can occur anywhere in the project and with anyone. Some conflicts are severe while others are easily solvable. In the past, project managers avoided conflicts when possible. Today, we believe that conflicts can produce beneficial results if the conflicts are managed correctly.

There are numerous methods available to project managers for the resolution of conflicts. The methods selected may vary depending on the severity of the conflict, the person with whom the conflict exists and his/her level of authority, the life‐cycle phase of the project, the priority of the project, and the relative importance of the project as seen by senior management.


Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing

Eddie Turner was elated with the good news that he was being promoted to section supervisor in charge of scheduling all activities in the new engineering research laboratory. The new laboratory was a necessity for Mayer Manufacturing. The engineering, manufacturing, and quality control directorates were all in desperate need of a new testing facility. Upper‐level management felt that this new facility would alleviate many of the problems that previously existed.

The new organizational structure (as shown in Figure I) required a change in policy over use of the laboratory. The new section supervisor, on approval from his department manager, would have full authority for establishing priorities for the use of the new facility. The new policy change was a necessity because upper‐level management felt that there would be inevitable conflict among manufacturing, engineering, and quality control.

After one month of operations, Eddie Turner was finding his job impossible, so he has a meeting with Gary Whitehead, his department manager.

Eddie: “I’m having a hell of a time trying to satisfy all of the department managers. If I give engineering prime‐time use of the facility, then quality control and manufacturing say that I’m playing favorites. Imagine that! Even my own people say that I’m playing favorites with other directorates. I just can’t satisfy everyone.”





Mayer Manufacturing organizational structure


Gary: “Well, Eddie, you know that this problem comes with the job. You’ll get the job done.”


Eddie: “The problem is that I’m a section supervisor and have to work with department managers. These department managers look down on me like I’m their servant. If I were a department manager, then they’d show me some respect. What I’m really trying to say is that I would like you to send out the weekly memos to these department managers telling them of the new priorities. They wouldn’t argue with you like they do with me. I can supply you with all the necessary information. All you’ll have to do is to sign your name.”


Gary: “Determining the priorities and scheduling the facilities is your job, not mine. This is a new position and I want you to handle it. I know you can because I selected you. I do not intend to interfere.”

During the next two weeks, the conflicts got progressively worse. Eddie felt that he was unable to cope with the situation by himself. The department managers did not respect the authority delegated to him by his superiors. For the next two weeks, Eddie sent memos to Gary in the early part of the week asking whether Gary agreed with the priority list. There was no response to the two memos. Eddie then met with Gary to discuss the deteriorating situation.


Eddie: “Gary, I’ve sent you two memos to see if I’m doing anything wrong in establishing the weekly priorities and schedules. Did you get my memos?”


Gary: “Yes, I received your memos. But as I told you before, I have enough problems to worry about without doing your job for you. If you can’t handle the work, let me know and I’ll find someone who can.”

Eddie returned to his desk and contemplated his situation. Finally, he made a decision. Next week he was going to put a signature block under his for Gary to sign, with carbon copies for all division managers. “Now let’s see what happens,” Eddie said.