Assignment Overview

 Write My paper:

Assignment Overview: For this assignment students are to work individually to write a formal essay with a thesis paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion.  Students are to choose a topic, create a thesis statement, and fully support it with a minimum of three body paragraphs.  Explanations, which support their thesis statement need to be fully research, and supported with evidence. Additionally, students will need to create a bibliography, and include in-text citations. This assignment will count as a summative grade, and worth 100 points.   Please carefully read the guidelines listed below.


Step One, Choose a Topic:  _____________________________________________________


Options: strategic importance of the middle east, social issue and impact on economy/people, political issue and impact on economy/people, challenges faced by the Middle East due to geographical location and access to resources, methods used to overcome water scarcity, pollution, or climate change, efforts of the UAE to develop sustainable living, border issues between nations and solutions or pick your own topic


  • Essays can relate to one country of the entire Middle East


Step Two, develop a Thesis Statement: a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, and is developed, supported, and explained in the text.  It needs to be non-debatable.

  • Example: Dubai development from 1990 to the present is due well its management of available resources.


Thesis Statement: _______________________________________________________________


Step Three, Create Research Questions:


  • Choose at least three topics you will research to support your thesis statement in your body paragraphs. Can be more than three.


Question #1 ________________________________________________________________

Question #2 ________________________________________________________________

Question #3 ________________________________________________________________


Step Four, Investigation:

  • Fully answer all research questions
  • Support with facts, evidence, and quotes
  • Use credible website – focus on .gov, and .edu
  • Save Sources – Create Work Cited Page as you research
  • Notes will be submitted, and part of your final grade
  • Must use a minimum of five sources


Step Five, Writing Essay:

  • Follow the Template Provided – if needed
  • Must have an intro (thesis paragraph),minimum of three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Remember to link all paragraphs to your thesis statement
  • Word Length – 1,300 to 1,500 words


Step Six, Peer and Teacher Review

  • All essays must undergo a peer and teacher review
  • This will be done in class prior to the due date
  • Authenticity/Plagiarism Check – Rough, and Final Copies must be submitted on the due date.


Step Seven, Final Submission:

  • Must be submitted on the due date –
  • com accounts will be created in class


Citing Sources, Format to Follow ….

  • Use MLA or another format – Check out the format your favorite university (APA, Harvard etc…)
  • Must have a work-cited page – minimum of five sources
  • In-Text Citations – Must be used after each source is used
    • Minimum of one per paragraph – Can be More
  • If sources are not cited no credit will be given for the assignment


What to Submit?

  • All notes, and Research Questions
  • Title Page
  • Work-Cited Page
  • Rough Draft
  • Final Draft


Important Dates to Remember ……

  • Date Given – December 12th
  • Work on Essay (thesis, investigation and research questions – Dec 12th – 14th
  • Work on Essay – Winter Break
  • Come with Research and Ready to Complete Essay – Jan. 8th
  • Work on Essay Jan 8. till Jan 11th
  • Rough Draft and Edit – Jan 11th
  • Last Day to Work on in Class Jan 11th
  • Final Copy Due – Jan. 17th






Rubric and Breakdown of Grade

Following Task Instructions

Objective Beginning

1-15 points


16 to 22 points


23 to 26 points


27 to 30 points



Students are to follow all task instructions including, citing sources, writing a five paragraph essay, and meeting all due dates.


Student did not effectively follow task instructions, sources were not cited, and were missing several due dates.



Student somewhat effectively followed all task instructions, sources were followed, and all due dates were followed. Student did an effective job following all task instructions, sources were cited properly, and all due dates were followed. Student did an exemplary job following all task instructions and all elements of the project were included, sources were cited properly, and all due dates were met precisely.


Accuracy of Information and Support of Thesis Statement

Objective Beginning

1 to 30 points


31 to  39points


40  to 44 points


45  to 50  points



Student are to accurately write their information on their chosen topic with examples and detailed explanations.  Thesis statement was fully supported Student did not accurately write their information on their chosen topic and had little or no examples or explanation. Thesis statement was not supported Students somewhat accurately wrote their information on their chosen topic and had some examples, and explanation. Thesis statement was support at times, but not maintained Student accurately wrote their information on their chosen topic with good examples, and an explanation. Thesis statement was supported throughout essay. Student did an excellent job to accurately write their information on their chosen topic with examples, and a detailed explanation.  Thesis statement was fully support throughout essay.



Objective Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score


Investigate and gather evidence. Creating and Answering Research Questions Research questions were were not thoroughly investigated. Notes were not submitted Research question were investigated, but lack specific evidence. Notes were partially submitted. Research questions were investigated and support thesis statement with evidence. Notes were submitted Research questions were investigated with evidence, which fully supported thesis statement. Notes were Submitted.  


Teacher Comments

What you did? How do improve








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