Faculty of Management
Assignment Brief
Programme: Level: Level 6
Unit Name: Entrepreneurship in the Global Environment Unit Tutor: Dr Nasiru Taura & Dr Thanh Huynh
Assignment Marker: Dr Nasiru Taura & Dr Thanh Huynh
Assignment Title: Individual Business Plan
Feedback method: electronic via turnitin
Issue date: September-2017
Submission date: 17th/01/2017
at 12.00 noon*
*In accordance with University regulations any coursework submitted after the due deadline will
be regarded as late and awarded a mark of 0%.
Weighting of this assignment:
(as % of total coursework assessment for the unit)
It is your responsibility to be aware of University Regulations relating to academic offences and to avoid
committing them. The BU definitions and the penalties are listed in: Academic Offences: Policy & Procedure
for Taught Awards
If you are unable to submit your assignment on time due to medical or other mitigating circumstances you
must complete a Mitigating Circumstances form PRIOR to the deadline and submit it for approval.Details of what you are expected to do:
1. Rationale
Coursework 1 expects you to individually develop business plan in global context. Identifying an idea in your local
settings and developing it in to a viable business plan, will hone your entrepreneurial global entrepreneurial mind-set
and entrepreneurial capabilities that can be applied in a range of contexts (ILO 1) and to identify and evaluate the
entrepreneurial opportunities, competencies, skills and behaviours associated with effective and successful
individuals and companies globally (ILO3)
2. The learning outcomes being assessed
Have a global entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial capabilities that can be applied in a range of
Develop critical appreciation of the theory of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and an ability to
relate this to practice
Have the ability to identify and evaluate the entrepreneurial opportunities, competencies, skills and
behaviours associated with effective and successful individuals and companies globally
Identify and assess the characteristics which make SMEs different to larger ventures.
This project (Business plan) represents 60% of the overall grade
3. Overview of assignment
This is an individual task based assessment for 3000 words (+/- 10%). References and words in tables not included
in the word count.
environment for a start-up ‘or’ an existing venture with
potential to expand in to a global market and develop a viable business plan capable of succeeding in a global
context. Your business plan should be supported with a thorough analysis, using primary and secondary data to
justify various aspects including -, aspirations of the owner(s)/founder(s)/partner(s), marketing activities, human
resources, sources of finance, intellectual property and future strategies.
of finance).
The format of the report (hand-in assignment) will have the following key chapters: total word count- 3000 (+/-
– Offer an overview of the business opportunity/idea
– Outline of the structure and content of the plan
– State objectives
– Discuss and justify your research methods
– In-depth analysis of findings to create a viable business plan to raise finance for a start-up or an existing venture
– Use relevant literature and contemporary examples to provide academic underpinning
– Give an overall discussion and conclusion of the project
– Reflect on your learning4. Assessment criteria and weightings
Section Weight
1 Demonstrate a global entrepreneurial mind-set and entrepreneurial
capabilities that can be applied in a range of contexts 10%
2 Analyse the current situation and context from which you are starting and
demonstrate the ability to collect and analyse data comprehensively 20%
4 Critically appreciate the theory of entrepreneurship, creativity and
innovation and demonstrate an ability to relate this to practice
Use primary and secondary data to generate a viable business plan and then
use this plan to demonstrate how you can raise finance through various
sources giving details and justifications in context 10%
5 Organize your research findings in a professional presentation format
(coherent structure, effective use of graphics, effective referencing, and
clear english are essential) Total 100%
Discussion Forum (This represents 40% of the total unit marks)
Date and Format to Submit
The discussion forum is expected to help you to develop a critical appreciation of the theory
of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation and an ability to relate this to practice (ILO1)
and identify and assess the specific characteristics which make SMEs different from large
ventures (ILO 4)
Written Document: Each week you need to log on to the Brightspace to answer the
discussion question for that particular week. You need to offer an initial response
(minimum 300 words) and then respond to one other student’s comments (minimum
200 words) before Thursday (11:00 am) i.e. 12 days after. E.g. question set on
Monday 27 th Sept all discussions to be completed by 8 th October. Comments will be
collated by tutor on Thursday afternoon.
Format and Learning Outcomes
This group discussion takes place weekly. You will offer an initial response for the weekly
question and have the opportunity to challenge others responses.
The average
discussion grades contribute 20% toward your final course grade. 50% of the marks are
determined by the initial response. 50% of the marks are determined by your response to
other students’ idea.Remember! Discussion is not a formal essay, so the writing style including grammar,
spelling and so on will not affect your grade. The more information that you put in the
discussion forum is not necessary to award you a higher grade – quality is the most important
You can only be assessed if you participate in the discussion forum in a particular week,
therefore if you choose not to participate (includes late submission) in that particular week,
you will receive “0” on your discussion forum grade for that particular week.
Please note: Given the work commitment of the online students, you will be assessed
for only Five (5) weeks. You may choose which five (5) weeks you decide to
contribute to.