Analyzing the over-heating of Marine Design Engines with the use of Fault Tree Analysis
Analyzing the over-heating of Marine Design Engines with the use of Fault Tree Analysis
Format MLA
Volume of 7500 – 8000 words (29 pages)
Assignment type : Dissertation
Component AS2: Final Report (60%)
The main body of text of the final report (i.e. the sections from: Introduction to Conclusions) must be no more than 8,000 words, excluding references and appendices. Please note that only the first 8,000 words will be marked, where anything outside of this will not be assessed. The exact structure of the report will vary according to the nature of your project but it must be written according to the guidance supplied (1).
Notes for guidance:
The grade descriptors for each criterion are provided to give assessors and students an indication regarding the level of work which is expected in order to meet a particular grade range.
1. The term ‘introduction’ is used here to include both a stand-alone Introduction section in the report as well as individual introductions which are used at the start of sections. In general what is desired from these introductions is that they provide the reader with helpful information and context regarding what they are about to read, why it is of importance or interest, and how it relates to the project aims and objectives.
2. Emphasis should be on using published work which has been subject to expert editorial review. Such sources might include text books, journal or conference papers, respected periodicals and publications from respected governmental or non-governmental agencies. Information may be sourced from the internet but the report should not cite work via a third party (for example if a study has been published and then reported by a news site then the original research should be consulted and cited, not the news article).
3. Marks are not awarded for simply writing correctly in the English language. This component is actually intended to reflect the professionalism shown in the preparation of the report in terms of its format, layout, structure and use of formal technical language rather than the author’s ability to use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Guide to Performance Criteria
70% and above:
Your work must be of outstanding quality and fully meet the requirements of the coursework specification and learning outcomes stated. You must show independent thinking and apply this to your work showing originality and consideration of key issues. There must be evidence of wider reading on the subject. Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: appraises, compares, concludes, contrasts, criticizes, critiques, defends, discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies, relates, supports.
60% – 70%:
Your work must be of good quality and meet the requirements of the coursework specification and learning outcomes stated. You must demonstrate some originality in your work and show this by applying new learning to the key issues of the coursework. There must be evidence of wider reading on the subject. Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: categorizes, combines, compiles, creates, devises, generates, modifies, reconstructs, identifies, illustrates, outlines, synthesizes.
50% – 60%:
Your work must be comprehensive and meet all of the requirements stated by the coursework specification and learning outcomes. You must show a good understanding of the key concepts and be able to apply them to solve the problem set by the coursework. There must be enough depth to your work to provide evidence of wider reading.Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: demonstrates, changes, applies, operates, produces, predicts, shows, solves, uses, translates, comprehends, converts, generalizes.
40% – 50%:
Your work must be of a standard that meets the requirements stated by the coursework specification and learning outcomes. You must show a reasonable level of understanding of the key concepts and principles and you must have applied this knowledge to the coursework problem. There should be some evidence of wider reading.Key words which may describe a coursework at this level include: comprehends, defines, describes, identifies, knows, labels, lists, matches, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states, rewrites.
Below 40%:
Your work is of poor quality and does not meet the requirements stated by the coursework specification and learning outcomes. There is a lack of understanding of key concepts and knowledge and no evidence of wider reading.
Component AS3: Presentation and Oral Examination (20%)
Presentation (10%) – You are required to give a brief presentation in order to highlight the most important aspects of your project. You must use the LJMU standard presentation template, which is available on Canvas. Your presentation must last no more than 5 minutes. You will be assessed on the quality and content of your presentation.
Oral Examination (10%) – In your oral examination (viva), you will be asked a number of questions about your project by your assessor, supervisor and the independent panel chair. You will be assessed on your responses and understanding that you demonstrate regarding your project and its content.This oral examination typically lasts around 10 – 15 minutes. You are encouraged to bring a copy of your final report with you to this session, and you may refer to it during your oral examination

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