Advocacy in a Professional Role Assessment 5

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Advocacy in a Professional Role Assessment 5

Examine local ( Grand Rapids, Mi) prenatal and neonatal development programs and family support services for your city, county, or state, to identify an unmet need for advocacy purposes, or to find an existing initiative to support. We encourage, but do not require, you to submit your advocacy piece to the addressed party or organization. It would be interesting to get a response. Your advocacy could make a real difference in your community. Assume the role in the following scenario: Scenario You are a child development professional (in the role and setting of your choice). The organization that you are associated with encourages everyone to lobby and advocate for services and support for children and their families, as an expert in child development. You recently identified an unmet need or gap in services, and are writing to decision-makers (such as state or federal legislators, city council members, a board of directors, et cetera) to appraise them of a gap in services, a need, or to advocate for support of an initiative. Deliverable: Write a 3–4 page evidence-based letter or essay in your role as a child development expert. Your advocacy piece could be in the form of a letter to the editor of a local newspaper to the local paper; a column for an organizational newsletter, a letter to an elected official or board of directors, et cetera. You may use the Advocacy Letter Template, in Resources, if you choose to write a letter. Investigate local programs and initiatives to find a gap in prenatal or postnatal services; an unmet need, or to identify an existing initiative to support. Structure your prenatal or postnatal advocacy piece to address the following: Evaluate local prenatal or newborn development and family services to identify a specific need, gap, or initiative to support. What local services or initiatives currently exist? Clearly identify the specific service, gap in service, or an existing initiative for either prenatal or postnatal services. State the action you recommend. Evaluate scholarly literature to identify research that supports a prenatal or postnatal initiative, or confirms a gap in services. What specific research could be cited to support the goals of the initiative? Explain the concepts that support your position. In the case of an opposing argument, what research refutes the argument? Assess the value or importance of the service or initiative to the families. Assess the impact to families. In what ways is this initiative valuable to families? What are the benefits? What are the consequences of no service? Assess the value or importance of the service or initiative to the community. Assess the impact to the community. In what ways is this initiative valuable to the community? What are the benefits? What are the consequences of no service? Support advocacy positions with references from scholarly literature.

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