Think back to an experience that had a significant effect on your life. Describe the experience, why it was so impact, and how your life is different today because of it.
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Topic: Think back to an experience that had a significant effect on your life. Describe the experience, why it was so impact, and how your life is different today because of it.
A personal narrative essay relates experiences from your own life using storytelling techniques to draw the reader into a personal event or incident. In 600-800 words, write a narrative essay in response to the topic. To wrap up, creating a narrative essay is simply storytelling. The main function of a narrative essay is to share a point of view. This can be persuasive or simply help you appreciate the value of a point made with the story. Because narrating is storytelling, it’s vital to include all of the key parts of a story, too. A plot includes all of the major events of a story that work together to give it a point. These events usually lead up to the climax, or the most important part of the story. Pacing and organization are key to making all of these elements work. As a writer, you should devote more time and detail to key parts of the story, and tell the story in an order that makes the most sense to your reader – usually chronologically.