An example of the proposal structure 

An example of the proposal structure  (Use this as a guide):


Title page:

•         Module title /code

•         Title of report

•         Author /student number

•         Who it is for / Attn:

•         When was it written

•         [ tip – copy from the front sheet of MSG and modify]


Summary page (4 points to make):

•         Aims & objectives of report

•         Main findings

•         Conclusions

•         Recommendations


Contents page:

•         Layout with page numbers

•         In reports each section is numbered

•         Use footer –student no / module title


1.    Introduction page:

•         Main aims /objectives of report

•         [maybe be referred to as “terms of reference”]

•         An Overview eg: background on a business /an industry /a law /system etc –set the scene


2.    Methodology/Procedure:

•         How was the investigation carried out?

•         How the data was collected and why was this the best way?

•         How was the data analysed? (In broad terms)

•         Limitations – was there any restrictions on the report eg: confidentiality


3.    Business Environment Analysis


3.1 PESTEL (in appendix)

3.2 Comment on PESTEL factors


4.    Overview of the proposed business


4.1 What is the business idea? Clearly explain

4.2 Category, main USP

4.3 Mission statement

4.4 Why?


5. Overview of location


    5.1 Location details

    5.2  External factors

    5.3 Premises details


6. Customer Profile


  6.1 Demographics

  6.2 Consumer research

  6.3 Potential target market, target market segmentation

  6.4 Primary research data


7. Competition


   7.1 SWOT (in appendix)

   7.2 Analysis of critical points from SWOT


8. Operational characteristics


   8.1 Product specifications (menu, drinks, product information, examples, comparisons)

   8.2 Service considerations

   8.3 Staffing requirements

   8.4 Branding

   8.5 Indication of start up cost 


5.    Conclusions:

•         Summarises the findings

•         Never introduce new information here


6.    Recommendations:

•         How can the problem be solved

•         Note: this section is often read first so this section should be very well thought out!


7.    References:

•         All texts, web sites , journals ,newspapers used in report and referred too


•         Alphabetical order

•         Additional reading – read but not referenced in report


8.    Appendices:

•         Everything that supports the report, but would hinder speed reading if part of the main report




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