UUT Task 1 (1014)
value: 0.00 | value: 1.00 | value: 2.00 | value: 3.00 | value: 4.00 | Score/Level | |
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics) | The candidate provides unsatisfactory articulation of response. | The candidate provides weak articulation of response. | The candidate provides limited articulation of response. | The candidate provides adequate articulation of response. | The candidate provides substantial articulation of response. | |
A1. Public Policy Issue | The candidate does not provide a plausible analysis of a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with no detail, of a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with limited detail, of a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with adequate detail, of a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. | |
A1a. Issue Selection | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of why the public policy issue was selected. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of why the public policy issue was selected. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of why the public policy issue was selected. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of why the public policy issue was selected. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of why the public policy issue was selected. | |
A1b. Issue Relevance | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the relevance of this public policy issue to health or the nursing profession, using 2 pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no support, of the relevance of this public policy issue to health or the nursing profession, using 2 pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited support, of the relevance of this public policy issue to health or the nursing profession, using 2 pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate support, of the relevance of this public policy issue to health or the nursing profession, using 2 pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial support, of the relevance of this public policy issue to health or the nursing profession, using 2 pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. | |
A1c. Financial Impact |
The candidate does not provide an accurate description of the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. | The candidate provides an accurate description, with no detail, of the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. | The candidate provides an accurate description, with limited detail, of the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. | The candidate provides an accurate description, with adequate detail, of the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. | The candidate provides an accurate description, with substantial detail, of the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. | |
A2. Personal Values | The candidate does not provide a plausible analysis of how the candidate’s values impact the candidate’s position on the public policy issue. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with no detail, of how the candidate’s values impact the candidate’s position on the public policy issue. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with limited detail, of how the candidate’s values impact the candidate’s position on the public policy issue. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with adequate detail, of how the candidate’s values impact the candidate’s position on the public policy issue. | The candidate provides a plausible analysis, with substantial detail, of how the candidate’s values impact the candidate’s position on the public policy issue. | |
A2a. Ethical Principle or Theory | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the ethical principle or theory that underpins the candidate’s perspective. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the ethical principle or theory that underpins the candidate’s perspective. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the ethical principle or theory that underpins the candidate’s perspective. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the ethical principle or theory that underpins the candidate’s perspective. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the ethical principle or theory that underpins the candidate’s perspective. | |
B1. Decision Maker | The candidate does not identify the appropriate decision maker (name and title) who will receive the policy brief. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | The candidate identifies the appropriate decision maker (name and title) who will receive the policy brief. | |
B1a. Explanation | The candidate does not provide a logical explanation of why the public policy requires the decision maker’s attention, using relevant nursing research from the last five years to support the position. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with no detail, of why the public policy requires the decision maker’s attention, using no relevant nursing research from the last five years to support the position. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with limited detail, of why the public policy requires the decision maker’s attention, using limited relevant nursing research from the last five years to support the position. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with adequate detail, of why the public policy requires the decision maker’s attention, using adequate relevant nursing research from the last five years to support the position. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with substantial detail, of why the public policy requires the decision maker’s attention, using substantial relevant nursing research from the last five years to support the position. | |
B2. Challenges | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. | |
B3. Options/Interventions | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. | |
B4. Course of Action | The candidate does not provide an appropriate proposal for a persuasive course of action for the decision maker, including ways to avoid the challenges identified in part B2. | The candidate provides an appropriate proposal, with no support, for a persuasive course of action for the decision maker, including ways to avoid the challenges identified in part B2. | The candidate provides an appropriate proposal, with limited support, for a persuasive course of action for the decision maker, including ways to avoid the challenges identified in part B2. | The candidate provides an appropriate proposal, with adequate support, for a persuasive course of action for the decision maker, including ways to avoid the challenges identified in part B2. | The candidate provides an appropriate proposal, with substantial support, for a persuasive course of action for the decision maker, including ways to avoid the challenges identified in part B2. | |
B5. Success of Policy Brief | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of how the candidate will evaluate the success of the policy brief (a top-down approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of how the candidate will evaluate the success of the policy brief (a top-down approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of how the candidate will evaluate the success of the policy brief (a top-down approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of how the candidate will evaluate the success of the policy brief (a top-down approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the candidate will evaluate the success of the policy brief (a top-down approach). | |
C1. Identified Organization or Community | The candidate does not identify an organization or community that has expressed interest in the selected health or nursing profession public policy issue. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | The candidate identifies an organization or community that has expressed interest in the selected health or nursing profession public policy issue. | |
C1a. Summary of Expressed Interest | The candidate does not provide a logical summary of evidence supporting why the organization or community has expressed interest in the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical summary, with no detail, of evidence supporting why the organization or community has expressed interest in the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical summary, with limited detail, of evidence supporting why the organization or community has expressed interest in the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical summary, with adequate detail, of evidence supporting why the organization or community has expressed interest in the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical summary, with substantial detail, of evidence supporting why the organization or community has expressed interest in the selected public policy issue. | |
C2. CBPR Principles | The candidate does not identify 3 CBPR principles the candidate could use to work with the organization or community to address a policy change for the public policy issue. | Not applicable. | The candidate accurately identifies 1-2 CBPR principles the candidate could use to work with the organization or community to address a policy change for the public policy issue. | Not applicable. | The candidate accurately identifies 3 CBPR principles the candidate could use to work with the organization or community to address a policy change for the public policy issue. | |
C2a. Approach and Collaboration | The candidate does not provide a logical explanation of how the candidate could approach and collaborate with the organization or community. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with no detail, of how the candidate could approach and collaborate with the organization or community. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with limited detail, of how the candidate could approach and collaborate with the organization or community. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with adequate detail, of how the candidate could approach and collaborate with the organization or community. | The candidate provides a logical explanation, with substantial detail, of how the candidate could approach and collaborate with the organization or community. | |
C2b. Goal Alignment | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of how the goal of the community or organization aligns with the candidate’s goal for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of how the goal of the community or organization aligns with the candidate’s goal for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of how the goal of the community or organization aligns with the candidate’s goal for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of how the goal of the community or organization aligns with the candidate’s goal for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the goal of the community or organization aligns with the candidate’s goal for the selected public policy issue. | |
C2c. Action Steps | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the action steps that need to be taken to achieve the candidate’s goal from part C2b. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the action steps that need to be taken to achieve the candidate’s goal from part C2b. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the action steps that need to be taken to achieve the candidate’s goal from part C2b. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the action steps that need to be taken to achieve the candidate’s goal from part C2b. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the action steps that need to be taken to achieve the candidate’s goal from part C2b. | |
C2d. Roles/Responsibilities | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the possible roles/responsibilities of community or organization members, including problem-solving and capacity-building roles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the possible roles/responsibilities of community or organization members, including problem-solving and capacity-building roles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the possible roles/responsibilities of community or organization members, including problem-solving and capacity-building roles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the possible roles/responsibilities of community or organization members, including problem-solving and capacity-building roles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the possible roles/responsibilities of community or organization members, including problem-solving and capacity-building roles. | |
C2e. Key Elements of Evaluation Plan | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of key elements of developing a collaborative evaluation plan, using CBPR principles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of key elements of developing a collaborative evaluation plan, using CBPR principles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of key elements of developing a collaborative evaluation plan, using CBPR principles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of key elements of developing a collaborative evaluation plan, using CBPR principles. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of key elements of developing a collaborative evaluation plan, using CBPR principles. | |
C2f. Community/Organization Plan | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of how the success of the community or organization plan will be evaluated (bottom-up approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of how the success the community or organization plan will be evaluated (bottom-up approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of how the success of the community or organization plan will be evaluated (bottom-up approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of how the success of the community or organization plan will be evaluated (bottom-up approach). | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of how the success of the community or organization plan will be evaluated (bottom-up approach). | |
D1. Strengths of Each Approach | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the strengths of each approach to implement change for the selected policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the strengths of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the strengths of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the strengths ofeach approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the strengths of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | |
D2. Challenges of Each Approach | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of the challenges of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of the challenges of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of the challenges of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of the challenges of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of the challenges of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. | |
D3. Most Effective Approach | The candidate does not provide a logical discussion of which approach the candidate would recommend as the most effective to address the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with no detail, of which approach the candidate would recommend as the most effective to address the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with limited detail, of which approach the candidate would recommend as the most effective to address the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with adequate detail, of which approach the candidate would recommend as the most effective to address the selected public policy issue. | The candidate provides a logical discussion, with substantial detail, of which approach the candidate would recommend as the most effective to address the selected public policy issue. | |
E. Sources | When the candidate uses sources, the candidate does not provide in-text citations and references. | When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides only some in-text citations and references. | When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with major deviations from APA style. | When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with minor deviations from APA style. | When the candidate uses sources, the candidate provides appropriate in-text citations and references with no readily detectable deviations from APA style, OR the candidate does not use sources. | |

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