A 1,600 word paper is due that summarizes your research with respect to the following topic:

A 1,600 word paper is due that summarizes your research with respect to the following topic:

Marketing Ethics

Your research can consist of article reviews, internet research, etc.

Your paper must follow APA format and must not violate the University’s guidelines with respect to plagiarism.

Note: Please see the syllabus for information related to plagiarism.

Guidance on APA formatting can be found at the following sites:




The report format should follow these guidelines:

Margins: Left, Right, Top & Bottom – 1 inch
Font: Times New Roman
Line spacing: Double spaced
Font size: 12 pt

NOTE – Word has a built-in reference list generator. Just click on the References tab and select APA 5th or 6th edition under the Style option.

Be sure to include a Title page and a Reference page.

Your file should be in either Microsoft word (.doc or .docx) or rich text (.rtf) format.

Submit your paper to Turnitin via Canvas. Instructions are located here: How to submit a TurnitinAssignmentLinks to an external site..

After you submit your paper to Turnitin, you must then make the necessary edits, such as adding citations and paraphrasing, to ensure the originality of your paper. Multiple submissions are allowed; however, the final version should have an originality report from Turnitin that is not higher than 15%.

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