Scatterplots And Correlation
The Stat output below provides a description of the four variables used in this analysis and below that, a correlation matrix. For the next few questions, you will be interpreting the correlation matrix
Question 1: which variable has the largest correlation with the % of Single Parent Families (spf)? You will answer this question in four parts
a) Please list the variable name for the variable with the highest correlation with % of Single Parent Families.
b) Please list the correlation coefficient
c) Please provide an effect size for the correlation
d) Please provide an explanation as to why these two variables are correlated (1-2 sentences)
Question 2 What is the correlation between % parents with nonsecure employment (nsemp) and the child poverty rate (chpov)?
a) Please list the correlation coefficient
b) Please provide an effect size for the correlation
c) Please provide an explanation as to why these two variables are correlated (1-2 sentences)
Question 3 Which variable has the largest correlation with food insecurity (foodsec)?
a) Please list the variable name for the variable with the highest correlation with food insecurity (foodsec).
b) Please list the correlation coefficient
c) Please provide an effect size for the correlation
d) Please provide an explanation as to why these two variables are correlated (1-2 sentences)
The scatterplot shows the relationship between % parents with nonsecure employment and food insecurity.
a) Does the scatterplot show a positive or negative relationship? Please explain in a sentence or two
b) With a scatterplot, do we put the independent variable on the x axis or y axis?
c) Can we get a precise estimate of correlation from the scatterplot? Please explain
d) Can we get a precise estimate of the effect size from a scatterplot? Please explain

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