General Environmental Analysis

General Environmental Analysis


A. Again, one or more bridging paragraph(s) needed here (i.e., before section title 3.1.1).

B. Read the documents in zip file “DOC_016_Knowledge_Base_for_part_1”. The documents

will give you some clues on what factors in each segment could have impact on our

industry and/or relevant industries. Also refer to the sample report for some hints.

C. The key conclusion of 3.1 should be about how the focal industries are going to change

in response to the predicted changes of the factors you proposed. The structure of your

analysis for each segment should be:

a. A few sentences about what factors, in each segment, that may have significant

impact on our industry and related industries.

b. For each segment (i.e., 3.1.1, 3.1.2, …), please analyze in the following sequence:

i. Identify the factors that could have significant impact on our focal

industry (directly or indirectly). Use a few sentences briefly describe


ii. For each factor use 1-2 paragraphs discussing general relationship

between the factor and our focal industry (and related industries) based

on historical data/information,

iii. Investigate the trend of the factor (e.g., increasing/decreasing,

more/less important, etc.) in near future; and

iv. Propose the expected resulting change of our focal industry.

c. Please start your analysis on those factors using “the first factor in this segment

is….”, “the second factor…” to make your analysis logical and organized.

D. The unit of the whole Section 3.1 should be industry!!! Do NOT talk about firm level

analysis such as “demographic factors of Waste Management Inc is…”

E. Length suggestion for whole section 3.1: at least ten pages (APA writing style)

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