gangs across america
gangs across america
Description Details
Discipline Criminology
Assignment type : Article
The Article Review is designed for students to read material from outside sources that is from credible academic sources and respond (positive or negative) to the information that the article addresses.
The Article review will be written in Microsoft word, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1″ margins, double spaced, and consist of a Minimum of 1 page of written content not to exceed 2 pages. A reference area / section is required as well as the article or where you retrieved the article from (web site) as the instructor will read the article you are discussing in this assignment.
Be sure the link you are listing APA format with your reference works prior to submitting your Article Review Assignment.
Guidelines for the grading of all Writing Assignments are located in the “Introduction & Requirements” folder, titled “How Your Writing is Graded”
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 1 page (275 words)
Type of service: Custom writing

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