CQI process
Paper format |
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Academic level |
Type of work |
Type of paper |
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Sources |
10 | Undergraduate | Writing from scratch | Presentation | Not needed | 4 |
Paper details
Health care
CQI process
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
Explain the need to measure consumer satisfaction
Discuss the need to involve patients in the CQI process
Outline the uses of risk-adjusted data
Examine benchmarking and why it is important in CQI process
State the professional and institutional responses for addressing quality issues in health care
Course outcomes assessed/addressed in this Assignment:
HA425-1: Explain the historical evolution of health care quality improvement programs.
HA425-2: Demonstrate an understanding of operational management theory.
HA425-3: Examine strategic and tactical planning issues relevant to marketing, opportunity assessment, and external environment analysis.
HA425-4: Compare quality management techniques used to improvement operations such as Continuous Quality Improvement, Total Quality Management, and proactive quality improvement measures.
HA425-5: Examine the critical role of quality improvement and quality assurance in community, state and national health care environments.
Imagine yourself as just being appointed the Chief Patient Experience Officer of your hospital. You have been charged by the board and CEO of the hospital to create a new systems approach for the hospital that will meet the patient’s needs, priorities and expectations in a manner that exemplifies the values of respect, compassion, justice, and community pride. Your plan should include a method of determining who the customer is, what the customer wants, how the hospital will meet those needs and desires, how you will measure customer satisfaction, and the data capture modalities you will use, such as qualitative or quantitative methods to obtain the information. Also, how you will communicate the results of this new program to the world.
Create a PowerPoint presentation at least 10 slides in length that discusses your planned proposal. Each process should be outlined in 2–4 slides. Include detailed speaker’s notes that describe your program, which should include your answers to the questions below. Be sure to include references and citations from at least five sources. Your PowerPoint presentation needs to be visually appealing, to catch your audience’s attention, as your goal is to promote your program to the health care organization groups and people attending.
Outline the current customer experience efforts and how these efforts could be improved with an organized effort.
Explain how Affordable Care Act provides financial incentives in the form of performance-based bonuses or penalties based on the efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction with hospital services.
Thoroughly analyze how your new systems approach for the hospital will satisfy all stakeholders and how we will improve results, measure success, and communicate the results to the world? Provide a step-by-step plan for implementation of your proposal.
Describe how the new systems approach for the hospital will meet the patient’s needs, priorities and expectations in a manner that exemplifies the values of respect, compassion, justice, and community pride in the hospital.
This project will be presented in PowerPoint style, as you will be submitting your proposal to this group of hospital employees, board members, and interested citizens and groups.
Writer outlines the current customer experience efforts and how these efforts could be improved with an organized effort.
Writer explains how the Affordable Care Act provides financial incentives in the form of performance-based bonuses or penalties based on the efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction with hospital services.
Writer thoroughly analyzes how the new systems approach for the hospital will satisfy all stakeholders; improve results, and how success will be measured. A step-by-step plan for implementation of your proposal and communication of the results is provided.
Writer describes how the new systems approach for the hospital will meet the patient’s needs, priorities and expectations in a manner that exemplifies the values of respect, compassion, justice, and community pride in the hospital.
Submitting Your Work
Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-Course Name-section-Unit 5_Assignment.doc (username is your username, section is your course section, 8 is your Unit number). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:
Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.”
In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 5: Assignment.
In the “Comments” field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper.
Click the “Add Attachments” button.
Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.

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